Warren G. Harding is the only newspaper publisher to be elected and was the first President to speak over the radio. Unfortunately, the Harding presidency is best remembered today for its many scandals, including the Teapot Dome scandal. Warren Harding was born on November 2, 1865 in Corsica, Ohio. His parents were George Tyron Harding and Phoebe Elizabeth Dickerson. Warren Harding shares a common descent from William Talvas Montgomery Le Despenser, born in 1100 in Lincolnshire, England, with presidents George Washington, Calvin Coolidge, George Herbert Walker Bush, and George W. Bush as well as Princess Diana and Sir Winston Churchill. He is also descended from Charlemagne and several English kings. His great-grandmother was Elizabeth Madison, a relative of President James Madison. For a detailed family tree, see http://www.hull.ac.uk/php/cssbct/cgi-bin/gedlkup.php/n=presidents?presidents2095