James Madison was one of two Presidents (the other being George Washington) who signed the U.S. Constitution, with Madison having authored the Virginia Plan that proposed many of the provisions later adopted as the U.S. Constitution. He also was author of the Bill of Rights. James Madison was born on March 16, 1751 at Port Conway, King George County, Virginia. His parents were Colonel James Madison and Eleanor Rose Nellie Conway. James Madison shares a common ancestry from Anthony Savage with presidents John Tyler and Zachary Taylor. Anthony Savage, in turn, was descended from Charlemagne, William "the Conqueror", Duncan I of Scotland, and various other royalty. As such, James Madison shares more common ancestors with George Washington, who also had extensive royal ancestors, than any other U.S. President. For a detailed family tree, see http://www.hull.ac.uk/php/cssbct/cgi-bin/gedlkup.php/n=presidents?presidents2172